torsdag 13 februari 2014

en familj med 7 barn

flickan är älds behöver ta hand om  andra små syskon

träffar en prins

massa saker händer

de kansk gifter sig eller så dööör de

hon har speciela krafter som hon inte kan kontrolera.

övar (magi) på kyrkogård. nån ser hon får gå till kungen massa SAKER HÄNDE

tisdag 15 oktober 2013


This story reminds me of a movie were the stay at some people house, we're there were cockroaches eating on there socks and food. It was really funny be us they freaked out and ram out of the house it was sooooooooooooooooo funny  

torsdag 10 oktober 2013

I was on my way home from my friends house. It was late and dark but I've gone this way hundreds off times so I know it by heart. But to night it was different. It felt like some one was following me,it has since I passed the graveyard. Maybe it was just a feeling, it really felt like someone or worse some THING that was following me, I started to run. It started to run too, then I heard a rusty spooky voice  STOOOOOOPPP that just made me run faster and faster then I was almost home when I felt a hand on my shoulder, my heart stopped. I didn't know what to do so I turned around very quickly and punched him whit Avery Ounce of strength in my body, and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground whit a big boom. I made a run for it I ran and ran and ran. I was home I locked the door and ran upstairs and garbed the phone too call my mother. She said it was ok and that she will be home soon. I ran up to my rum and on to the bed and i felt the tears started to Flood down my Cheeks and I just laid there crying and thinking "i almost got murdered, or worst rapid, and whit Those tankarna I fell a sleep. When I woke up I had got a text from my friend saying: I followed you to give you your homework but you punched me and ran" I didn't answer, I just fell back on the bed and took a big breath of relief


tisdag 10 september 2013


Jag var på en tur i skogen, och bara gick visste inte vart jag var eller vart jag var på väg. jag kom fram till en grässplätt med en stig som ledde fram till en brygga och ett stort löv träd. Jag satte mig på kanten av bryggan och bara titta ut över havet. Jag satt där i timmar. Det var underbart, men tanken på att jag behövde hitta hem förstörde den underbara känslan, jag tog på mig min jacka och började tranta iväg. Jag hopas verkligen att jag hittar hit igen det är min speciella plats.